700 millonarios italianos incriminados de evasión fiscal.
700 Italian millionaires Investigated for tax evasion.
Tax evasion probe: Italian designers Domenico Dolce (right) and Stefano Gabbana have been under investigation for the past three years
Investigan a 700 millonarios italianos por evasión fiscal
El Joyero Gianny Bulgari
Mas de 700 italianos, entre ellos estilistas y empresarios, actrices y comerciantes, algunos famosos como el modisto Valentino y el joyero Gianni Bulgari, todos sospechados de evasión fiscal, están siendo investigadas en Roma por omisión o declaración incompleta.
La investigación comenzó pues todas esas personas figuran en la llamada “lista Falciani”, que toma el nombre de Hervé Falciani, un empleado de la sede de Ginebra del banco británico HSBC que escapó con los datos de clientes de diferentes partes del mundo que luego pasaron a las autoridades francesas.
Por Italia se encuentran 6.963 posiciones financieras por un total de depósitos que superan 6.900 millones de dólares relativos al bienio 2005-2007.
Los documentos contables obtenidos por la fiscalía de Turín y la policía tributaria (Guardia Financiera) fueron transmitidos por competencia a varias fiscalías y en la capital italiana se iniciaron controles.
Quienes figuran en la lista serán interrogados, en particular para verificar si aprovecharon el “escudo fiscal” para sanear eventuales irregularidades.
El “escudo fiscal” es una ley de “blanqueo” para evasores fiscales aprobada en 2009 por el Parlamento, destinada al el retorno de capitales a Italia mediante el pago de una tasa del 5% sobre el monto total.
Entre quienes transfirieron sus ahorros a Suiza figura la actriz Stefania Sandrelli, el cineasta Sergio Leone, el estilista Valentino Garavani y las dos sociedades encabezadas por Gianni Bulgari, maestro de la joyería, quien abandonó el grupo familiar en 1987, están también en la lista investigada.
Asimismo aparece en el elenco Elisabetta Gregoraci, una vedette que se hizo famosa al casarse con el ex director deportivo del equipo Renault de Fórmula 1, Flavio Briatore.
También Telespazio, la empresa de Finmeccanica que se ocupa de sistemas satelitales aparece en el elenco, y los magistrados quieren descubrir los motivos por los cuales tenía una cuenta en el Hsbc.
Aparece asimismo en la lista Camilla Crociani, esposa de Carlo de Borbón e hija de Camillo, que fue presidente por 18 años del coloso especializado en armamentos y sistemas de defensa hasta que resultó implicado en un escándalo.
Otro personaje que aparece sospechado es el presidente de la Confederación de Comercio Roma, Cesare Pambianchi, junto a Carlo Mazzieri, contador, socio en su actividad profesional privada.
(ANSA) - Turin, July 1 , 2010 - Italian tax police on Thursday began to examine the so-called 'Falciani List' to ascertain whether the Italians who illegally held accounts with the Swiss branch of the HSBC bank could be guilty of tax evasion and money laundering.
The close to 7,000 accounts in the British bank were said to hold an estimated $6.9 billion.
Details of the accounts, including not only the amounts but also the names of those who opened them, were obtained by the Finance Guard in May from Swiss authorities in connection with a probe being carried out by prosectors in Turin.
The information, dating back to 2005 and 2006, was originally obtained by a former employee of HSBC, whistle-blower Hervé Falciani, and has been dubbed the 'Falciani List'.
The 7,000 names of the Falciani list refer to at least four hundred companies. According to the press agency ADNKRONOS the list, taken by the Italian Guardia di Finanza from a former employee of Hsbc, includes professionals, lawyers and accountants, but also operators of the packaging and fashion sector. In the list there are also the names of some diplomats who work in foreign countries. The checking activity on the files is being carried out tight-lipped. The Guardia di Finanza is also checking the names of wives and relatives that could have been figureheads. http://www.nowitaly.com/giornale/news_eng/90994/professionals-lawyers-accountants-falciani-list-7000-names.htm?a=comment
Dolce & Gabbana at centre of £1billion tax evasion probe
Fashion duo Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana are at the centre of a tax evasion probe totalling almost one billion euro.
Dolce and Gabbana, who count Victoria Beckham, Madonna and Kate Moss, among their celebrity clients and friends have been under investigation for the past three years.
Finance officials have focused on a company set up in Luxembourg through which sales royalties passed and which were taxed at 3per cent enabling them to avoid higher rate Italian taxes.
Tax evasion probe: Italian designers Domenico Dolce (right) and Stefano Gabbana have been under investigation for the past three years
Milan prosecutor Laura Pedio, who is handling the case, said that setting up a company overseas while the Dolce & Gabbana firm continued to operate normally in Italy was a tax dodge that defrauded the State.
Both men have formally been advised that the investigation against them has ended and under Italian law it means formal charges could be brought against them, although as yet none have.
la notizia:
una libera interpretazione delle casalinghe "evasive" della lista Falciani (da Il Fatto quotidiano di oggi: tesoretto di circa 7 miliardi di dollari evasi ripartito secondo queste quote: 51 % imprenditori, 14 % professionisti, 11 % dirigenti d'azienda, 4,5 % pensionati, 2 % studenti e ben 15 % casalinghe...)
Ancora una volta ho sbagliato mestiere...
di Marilena Nardihttp://www.marilenanardi.it/
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