
Bill Clinton pidió a Dilma reconsiderar 70 grandes represas amazónicas soñadas por Lula

Publicado: 2011-03-30

Clinton Urges Consideration of Alternatives to New Dams in the Amazon. Former U.S. president calls on Brazil to lead the world in the 21st century in forging a sustainable energy path.



Ex presidente Clinton pide considerar alternativas a las nuevas represas en la Amazonía

El ex presidente de EE.UU. cita los derechos indígenas y recuerda a Brasil que liderar el mundo en el siglo XXI es forjar rutas energéticas sostenibles.

Marzo 29, 2011 - Manaus, Brasil - Durante un discurso en el Foro Mundial de Sostenibilidad en Manaos el fin de semana pasado, el ex presidente de EE.UU. Bill Clinton, señaló que él estaba en contra de la construcción de enormes represas hidroeléctricas en la Amazonía brasileña. Si bien encomia los esfuerzos de Brasil para reducir la deforestación y lograr la prosperidad económica, Clinton citó la controversia sobre la propuesta de mega-represas como un "problema real" y pidió a Brasil mostrar liderazgo en la búsqueda de soluciones alternativas de energía.

"Digo todo esto ahora, porque sé que actualmente la mayor controversia es si la energía verde es siempre sostenible y siempre justa para las personas que están a su alrededor, a la luz de la controversia sobre las represas en la selva y los pueblos indígenas que se oponen a ella, ", dijo Clinton.

"¿Cuál es la alternativa? Ustedes necesitan electricidad y ellos quieren preservar el bosque. Y el 20% del oxígeno del mundo viene de la Amazonía. No es fácil, pero ustedes tienen que pensar en estas cosas en función de sus hijos y nietos. " Pidió a Brasil pensar en la población indígena, pensar en los animales y pensar en las especies vegetales que puedan ser una cura para las enfermedades.

"Me identifico con los pueblos indígenas", precisó Clinton. "Creo que vuestro papel en el mundo, es el de ejercer un liderazgo global. Quiero que Brasil lidere al resto del mundo en el siglo XXI en materia de energía."

Clinton se reunió con el director de Hollywood James Cameron, quien también participó en el Foro Global de Sostenibilidad. Los dos discutieron las alternativas a las grandes represas hidroeléctricas en la Amazonía. En el día de la inauguración de la conferencia, Cameron, que acababa de regresar de su tercer viaje al sitio del proyecto de la represa de Belo Monte en el río Xingu, compartió el escenario con el ex gobernador de California Arnold Schwarzenegger y reseñaron la experiencia de California en términos de la política energética.


"Lo más importante es dar a conocer en Brasil que Belo Monte no es una buena solución para satisfacer necesidades de energía del país -debido a su problemas de malos resultados económicos y a su problemas morales y éticos, por no hablar de su enorme carga sobre los pueblos indígenas y sobre los otros habitantes del río Xingu. Los contribuyentes brasileño podrían ahorrar miles de millones con la cancelación de la represa Belo Monte e invertir en energía verdaderamente renovable ", dijo Cameron en una rueda de prensa que sostuvo con líderes indígenas de la región de Xingu y con expertos en energía y medio ambiente.

Al reflexionar sobre el discurso de Clinton, Atossa Soltani, director ejecutivo de Amazon Watch que acompañó a James Cameron en su viaje a Brasil, dijo: "las declaraciones del presidente Clinton, reforzará las voces desde el interior de Brasil, que están presionando por alternativas más ecológicas como la eólica y la solar Las grandes represas en bosques tropicales no son energía verde y cuando se toma en cuenta que menos del 1,5 por ciento de la matriz energética de Brasil proviene de energía eólica y solar, Brasil tiene un largo camino por recorrer para ser un líder en energía sostenible. "  

"La exposición de Clinton relativa a que Brasil debe señalar al mundo un futuro de energía limpia fue convincente y oportuna, fortalece nuestros intentos de influir en el gobierno", dijo Antonia Melo, líder del movimiento “Xingu Vivo para Siempre”. "Es un gran desafío para los pueblos de la Amazonia convencer al gobierno para invertir en alternativas limpias y sostenibles como la eólica y la solar. Esperamos que la presidenta Dilma vea la oportunidad de liderazgo en esta cuestión y repiense su plan de energía actual, en algunas de las 70 grandes presas se han previsto para la Amazonía en los próximos dos decenios. "

Enfrentamos el riesgo de que la represa de Belo Monte, de 17,000 millones dólares, la 3° mayor del mundo, desvíe casi la totalidad del caudal del río Xingu, a lo largo de un tramo de 62 millas. Su embalse inundarían más de 120.000 acres de selva tropical, incluso asentamientos locales, desplazaría entre 20.000 y 40.000 personas y generaría enormes cantidades de metano, un gas de efecto invernadero por lo menos 25 veces más potente que el CO2. Una licencia de instalación parcial fue emitida para el proyecto de la represa Belo Monte a finales de enero, a pesar del fracaso del consorcio encargado de la construcción para cumplir con decenas de exigencias medioambientes y sociales 














Após elogios sobre soluções brasileiras para energias renováveis, redução do desmatamento, diminuição da emissão de carbono, remédios genéricos, entre outras, o ex-presidente americano Bill Clinton afirmou neste sábado, em Manaus, que espera a liderança do Brasil na mudança global em direção a um mundo sustentável. "Se eu fosse um político brasileiro hoje, saindo do pesadelo da inflação, e com tudo isso realizado, me perguntaria o que eles querem que façamos mais. Quero que o Brasil lidere o mundo no século 21", afirmou durante o 2º Fórum Mundial de Sustentabilidade.









Clinton Urges Consideration of Alternatives to New Dams in the Amazon

Marzo 29, 2011

Former U.S. president cites indigenous rights and calls on Brazil to lead the world in the 21st century in forging a sustainable energy path.


Manaus, Brazil - During a speech at the World Sustainability Forum in Manaus over the weekend, former U.S. president Bill Clinton signaled he was against the construction of massive new hydroelectric dams in the Brazilian Amazon. While commending Brazil's efforts to reduce deforestation and achieve economic prosperity, Clinton cited the controversy over proposed mega-dams as a "real problem" and called on Brazil to show leadership in finding alternative energy solutions.

"I say all this now because I know that the biggest controversy here now is over whether green power is always sustainable and always fair to the people who are around it because of the controversy over the dams in the rainforest and indigenous peoples who oppose it," said Clinton.

"What's the alternative? You need electricity and they want to preserve the forest. And 20 percent of the world's oxygen comes from you. It is not easy, but you have to think about these things, about the future of their children and grandchildren." He asked Brazil to think about the indigenous population, animals, and plant species that may have a cure for diseases.

"I am naturally sympathetic with indigenous peoples," Clinton continued. "I think your role [in the world as a global leader] is emerging. I want you to lead the rest of the world into the 21st century on this energy [issue]."

Clinton met earlier in the day with Hollywood director James Cameron who also participated in the Global Sustainability Forum. The two reportedly discussed the alternatives to large hydroelectric dams in the Amazon. On the opening day of the conference, Cameron who had just returned from his third trip to the site of the proposed Belo Monte Dam on the Xingu River, shared the stage with former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the California experience in terms of energy policy.

"The most important thing is to raise awareness in Brazil that Belo Monte is not a good solution for meeting the country's energy needs-given its poor economic and the moral and ethical issues, to say nothing of its enormous toll on indigenous peoples and other inhabitants of the Xingu River. The Brazilian taxpayers could save billions by cancelling the dam and investing in truly renewable energy," said Cameron at a press conference he held with indigenous leaders from the Xingu region and with energy and environmental experts.

Reflecting on Clinton's speech, Atossa Soltani, Amazon Watch's Executive Director who accompanied James Cameron on his trip to Brazil said: "President Clinton's remarks will strengthen the voices from within Brazil who are pushing for greener alternatives such as wind and solar. Large dams in tropical rainforests are not green energy and when you factor in that less than 1.5 percent of Brazil's energy matrix comes from wind and solar, Brazil has a long way to go to be a leader in sustainable energy."

"Clinton's appeal that Brazil lead the world into a clean energy future was compelling and timely, strengthening our attempts to influence the government," said Antonia Melo, leader of the Xingu Alive Forever movement. "It is a major challenge for the people of the Amazon to convince the government to invest in clean and sustainable alternatives like wind and solar. We hope that President Dilma will see the opportunity for leadership here and rethink her current energy plan where some 70 large dams are planned for the Amazon over the next two decades."

The risky $17 billion Belo Monte Dam would be the world's third largest dam and would divert nearly the entire flow of the Xingu River along a 62-mile stretch. Its reservoirs would flood more than 120,000 acres of rainforest and local settlements, displace between 20,000 and 40,000 people and generate vast quantities of methane-a greenhouse gas at least 25 times more potent than CO2. A partial installation license was issued for the dam project in late January despite the dam building consortium's failure to meet dozens of environmental and social pre-conditions.


Bill Clinton takes on Brazil's megadams, James Cameron backs ...28 Mar 2011 ... Former US President, Bill Clinton, spoke out against Brazil's megadams at the 2nd World Sustainability Forum, which was also attended by ...

news.mongabay.com/.../0328-hance_clinton_cameron.html - En caché

Former US President, Bill Clinton, spoke out against Brazil's megadams at the 2nd World Sustainability Forum, which was also attended by former California governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and film director, James Cameron, who has been an outspoken critic of the most famous of the controversial dams, the Belo Monte on the Xingu River.

As reported by Forbes, in a speech delivered on the last day of the forum last week, Bill Clinton said, "You need electricity and you need to preserve the forest. But 20% of the world’s oxygen comes from the Amazon. It’s not an easy decision, but you have to think about these things, and about the future of your children and grandchildren. You also have to consider the indigenous population, the wildlife, and the plant species that can be used to cure illnesses and will be affected by building these dams.”

Clinton is head of the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI), which works on sustainable energy programs as well as other climate initiatives.

Critics of the Belo Monte argue that 50,000 indigenous people will lose their livelihoods and a way of life, while 20,000 will be moved. Environmentalists say the dam will release massive amounts of the potent greenhouse gas methane due to rotting vegetation, while disrupting fish migrations. In addition, the dam will flood over 100,000 acres of primary rainforest.

But Belo Monte is only the biggest of a number of massive Brazilian hydroelectric projects, some being built in the Peruvian Amazon, that have frustrated indigenous groups, environmentalists, and scientists alike.

However, the Brazilian government argues that the dams are necessary to meet increasing energy demands in the country.

For his part, James Cameron has been criticizing Brazil's megadam plans ever since he first visited the Amazon and met with indigenous groups after the release of his sci-fi blockbuster, Avatar, which tells of an alien race defending its forest home from a human corporation.

Cameron told the forum that before he films the sequels to Avatar he wants to bring his cast to Brazil to meet with indigenous people and see the Amazon.

"If I had met the [indigenous group] Caiapos before making Avatar, I would certainly have made a better film," Cameron stated. He also revealed that he had taken actor and former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to meet with the tribal leaders.

In response, Carlos Nascimento, CEO of Norte Energia, which is overseeing the construction of Belo Monte, sent a letter to Cameron and Schwarzenegger asking them to meet with him to discuss the dam. Despite harsh criticism and legal challenges, the Belo Monte dam is currently going ahead with rainforest being cleared for the construction.

The World Sustainability Forum in Manaus was also attended by Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin Group; Izabella Teixeira, Brazil's Minister of Environment; and former Green presidential candidate in Brazil, Marina Silva.

Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Cameron y Richard ...22 Mar 2011 ... Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Cameron y Richard Branson participan del 2o. Foro Mundial de Sustentabilidad que se celebra en ...

www.prnewswire.com/.../bill-clinton-arnold-schwarzenegger-james-cameron-y-richard-branson-participan-del-2o-foro-mundial-de-suste... - En caché

Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Cameron y Richard ...23 Mar 2011 ... Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Cameron y Richard Branson participan del 2o. Foro Mundial de Sustentabilidad que se celebra en ...

www.arnoldschwarzenegger.es/.../bill-clinton-arnold-schwarzenegger-james-cameron-y-richard-branson-participan-del-2o-foro-mundial... - En caché

Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Cameron y Richard ...22 Mar 2011 ... Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Cameron y Richard Branson participan del 2o. Foro Mundial de Sustentabilidad que se celebra en ...

democrat.gnom.es/.../bill-clinton-arnold-schwarzenegger-james-cameron-y-richard-branson-participan-del-2o-foro-mundial-de-sustent... - En caché

Schwarzenegger, Clinton y James Cameron, según CQC Brasil ...28 Mar 2011 ... Llegan hasta allí Bill Clinton, James Cameron y el que fuera gobernador de ..... Colabora en medios de Argentina, Brasil y España. ...

masquevidadigital.blogspot.com/.../schwarzenegger-clinton-y-james-cameron.html - En caché

Bill Clinton takes on Brazil's megadams, James Cameron backs ...28 Mar 2011 ... Forests.org Provides Vast Rainforest, Forest and Biodiversity Protection News & Information -- Forest Protection Portal.

forests.org/shared/reader/welcome.aspx?linkid=215082 - En caché

Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Cameron y Richard ...22 Mar 2011 ... Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Cameron y Richard Branson ... que se celebrará entre el 24 y el 26 de marzo en Manaos, Brasil. ...

co.noticias.yahoo.com/bill-clinton-arnold-schwarzenegger-james-cameron-richard-branson-20110322-161500-708.html - Colombia - En caché



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Biólogo desde hace más de treinta años, desde la época en que aún los biólogos no eran empleados de los abogados ambientalistas. Actualmente preocupado ...alarmado en realidad, por el LESIVO TRATADO DE (DES)INTEGRACIÓN ENERGÉTICA CON BRASIL ... que a casi ning

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