

Publicado: 2012-01-26

Fish traps of over 7500 years old discovered near Moscú

1), 2) y 3) Herramientas encontradas en el yacimiento de la cuenca del río Dubná, cerca de Moscú. 4) Útiles de sílex encontrados en el yacimiento. 5) Yacimiento arqueológico (neolítico y mesolítico) encontrado en la cuenca del río Dubná, cerca de Moscú. 6) y 7) Nasas de varillas de pino (recipientes que se utilizan para pescar crustáceos y otros peces). Las flechas marcan los tejidos vegetales que se utilizaban para mantener unidas las varillas. 8) y 9) Ejemplo del uso de las herramientas. / Ignacio Clemente/CSIC


Wooden fishing trap found at the Zamostje 2 site (Dr. Ignacio Clemente/CSIC)

Tools found at the Zamostje 2 site (Dr. Ignacio Clemente/CSIC)


Hallan trampas y aparejos de pesca de sedentarios de hace 7500 años en el río Dubna, cerca de Moscú


FEDERACIÓN RUSA Jueves, 26 de enero 2012,


Un equipo internacional de arqueólogos dirigido por el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) de España encontró redes de cerco y trampas para peces de 7.500 años de antigüedad de gran complejidad técnica, cerca de Moscú

Según los científicos, los aparejos descubiertos son los más antiguos jamás encontrados en territorio europeo.

Después de tres años de investigación, se encontraron cucharas, platos, utensilios, armas de caza y aparejos de pesca, todos fabricados con pedernal, piedras, huesos y astas.

También se recuperó una serie de artilugios para captura y procesamiento de pescado, tales como anzuelos, arpones, pesas, flotadores, agujas para fabricar y reparar redes y cordajes manufacturados con fibras vegetales.

Se espera que el estudio de estas artes de pesca en la cuenca del río Dubná ayudará a revelar el papel de la pesca en comunidad de hace 10.000 años (Holoceno Temprano). "Se pensaba que los grupos mesolíticos no tenía campos estables, sólo estacionales", dijo Ignacio Clemente, director del proyecto. Sin embargo, "De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos durante las excavaciones, en el Mesolítico (entre 7.900 y 7.100 años atrás) y el Neolítico (entre 6.800 y 5.500 años atrás), el grupo étnico que habitó la cuenca del río Dubná, cerca de Moscú, realizaba actividades productivas durante todo el año ", señaló el investigador del CSIC.

El equipo internacional descubrió que los habitantes de esta región cazaban principalmente en verano e invierno, pescaban en primavera e inicios de verano, recolectaban frutos silvestres a finales del verano y en otoño, según informó la agencia EFE.

Clemente dijo que pensaba que la pesca "jugó un papel clave en la economía de estas sociedades, siendo un recurso predecible, fácil de obtener, secar, ahumar y almacenar para su posterior consumo"

Uno de los hallazgos arqueológicos inusuales en la región es la presencia de madera, huesos, hojas, excrementos y restos de peces fósiles.

"Es muy raro encontrar lugares donde los materiales orgánicos se conservan. Los elementos que hemos encontrado nos da una idea del porcentaje de proteína de pescado en la dieta de los hombres prehistóricos", dijo.

Junto con el CSIC, participaron en el proyecto el Instituto de Historia de la Cultura Material de la Academia Rusa de Ciencias, el Museo Estatal del Ermitage, el Museo de Arte e Historia Serguéi Posad, la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y el Centro Nacional Francés de Investigación Científica (CNRS)  informó la agencia Europa Press.



Fish traps of over 7500 years old discovered

RUSSIAN FEDERATION - Thursday, January 26, 2012,

An international team of archaeologists led by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) found near Moscow purse seines and fish traps over 7,500 years old of great technical complexity.

According to scientists, the discovered gears are about the oldest found in European territory.

After three years of research, they found spoons, dishes, tools, weapons for hunting and fishing gear, all manufactured with flint and other rocks, bones and antlers.

Documents related to the capture and processing of fish, such as hooks, harpoons, weights, floats, needles for making and repairing nets were also recovered.

It is hoped that the study of these fishing gear found in Dubná River Basin will help reveal the role of fishing in community populations 10,000 years ago (early Holocene).

"It was thought that Mesolithic groups did not have stable camps, but seasonal ones", said Ignacio Clemente, director of the project.

However, "according to the results obtained during the excavations, in the Mesolithic (between 7,900 and 7,100 years ago) and Neolithic (between 6,800 and 5,500 years ago), the ethnic group that inhabited the Dubná River Basin near Moscow, carried out productive activities throughout the year”, CSIC’s researcher added.

The international team found that the inhabitants of this region hunted mainly in summer and winter, fished in spring and early summer, and gathered wild fruits in the late summer and autumn, EFE agency informed.

Clemente said he thought that fishing "played a key role in the economy of these societies as it was a predictable product, easy to keep, dried or smoked, and stored for later consumption."

One of the more unusual findings in this field is the presence of wood, bones, leaves, excrement and remains of fish fossils.

"It's very rare to find sites where organic materials are preserved. The Ichthyologic items we have found give us an idea of the protein percentage in which fish contributed to the diet of prehistoric people”, he said.

Together with CSIC, the Institute of History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences; the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg; Sergiev Posad State History and Art Museum; Autonomous University of Barcelona, and the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) also participated in this project, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Europa Press agency reported

By Analia Murias




The fishing did to the sedentary man 7,500 years ago

A Spanish equipment finds in Russia vestiges of a fishing town of the Mesolítico


One of the tools.

Spanish and Russian investigators have found one of the sets of older and complete fishingarts of the world. He has appeared to borders of the Dubná river, one hundred kilometers to the north of Moscow, and contains hooks, needles and traps of about 7,500 years ago that they force to reframe official history of how the man founded the first towns.

The accepted version more is than the first fixed fire positions, embryos of the cities, appeared with the dominion of agriculture, does about 10,000 years. The big wave farmer extended by the world agreeing with a new era of technological advances and more complex societies well-known like Neolithic. Until then the people vagaron by the world in search of sustenance.

This official history follows effective, but it has hollows by which other valid possibilities are strained, like the one of the fishermen of the Cantabrian, who did not work the Earth until much after the practice arrived at Spain, does about 5,000 years.

The investigator of the CSIC Merciful Ignacio has run into with another one of those bags of resistance that throws a new hypothesis: the fishing, and not it agriculture, allowed certain towns to become sedentary. The tests have appeared in the form of hooks, networks, knives and sophisticated traps of fishing that were used in the Mesolítico to borders of the Dubná. The traps are done of pine rods of the thickness of meñique and about two meters in length that were united with stems and allowed to lock up the fish. The Russian deposit, call Zamostje 2, are so well conserved that the stems have even survived until today. Also have been abundant rest of hunting (they ate mainly raises, beaver and dog). We have found presence signs throughout the year, explains Merciful; this people were not nomadic. The investigator indicates that the finding contributes to break the topic of which without agriculture there were permanent weapon positionsno. At this zone the culture did not arrive until does about 3,000 years, details.

With support of divers of the Hermitage Museum of Saint Petersburg, the equipment has found hooks, harpoons, weights, buoys, needles for networks and knives of elk rib to clean the fish. Of theriver the pike and perca ate mainly. The found fossilized human excrements in the deposit will now contribute more details on the diet. The secret major is how those traps were constructed. In Suramérica arts seemed, but nonequal are still used. We do not have nor idea of how they obtained those so fine rods of pine, although could be that outside thanks to the fact that the wood was congealed, it concludes Merciful.



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