2011: Año del Conejo
Year of the Rabbit! A placid year, very much welcomed and needed after the ferocious year of the Tiger.
2011 será un año más plácido, muy bien recibido y necesario después del año del feroz tigre. El dinero se puede hacer sin demasiado trabajo ... Nuestro estilo de vida será lánguido y sin prisa, nos permitiremos el lujo que siempre hemos anhelado...
Un año más plácido, muy bien recibido y necesario después del año del feroz tigre. Debemos ir a algún lugar tranquilo para lamer nuestras heridas y descansar un poco después de todas las batallas del año anterior.
El buen gusto y refinamiento brillará en todo y la gente reconocerá que la persuasión es mejor que la fuerza. Un año agradable en el que a la diplomacia, las relaciones internacionales y la política se le dará un asiento delantero de nuevo. Vamos a actuar con discreción y hacer concesiones razonables sin demasiada dificultad.
Un tiempo para vigilar que no nos hagamos demasiado indulgentes. La influencia del conejo tiende a echar a perder los que les gusta mucho, la comodidad y por lo tanto pone en peligro su eficacia y su sentido del deber.
La ley y orden serán laxos, normas y reglamentos no se aplican rígidamente. Nadie parece muy inclinado a preocuparse por estas realidades desagradables. Ellos están ocupados divirtiéndose, divertiendo a otros o simplemente tomando todo con calma. La escena es tranquila y serena, incluso al punto de la somnolencia. Todos tendrán una tendencia a posponer las tareas desagradables el mayor tiempo posible
El dinero se puede hacer sin demasiado trabajo. Nuestro estilo de vida será lánguido y sin prisa, nos permitiremos el lujo que siempre hemos anhelado. Un año tibio, con paso tranquilo. Por una vez, parece posible que podamos estar despreocupados y felices, sin demasiadas molestias.
Una persona nacida en el año del conejo posee uno de los doce signos más afortunados del zodiaco. El conejo o liebre, como se le llama en la mitología china, es el emblema de la longevidad y se dice que su esencia deriva de la Luna.
Cuando un occidental mira la Luna, puede bromear que es una bola de queso o decirle a un niño la historia del hombre en la Luna. Cuando un chino mira a la Luna, ve la liebre cerca de una roca bajo un árbol de casia y sosteniendo el elixir de la inmortalidad en sus manos.
Durante el festival chino de mediados de otoño, cuando se supone que la Luna es incomparablemente bella, los niños chinos todavía llevan linternas encendidas de papel con forma de conejo y suben los cerros para observar la Luna y admirar la Liebre de la Luna.
El conejo simboliza la gracia, los buenos modales, la proclividad a los sonidos armónicos y la sensibilidad a la belleza. Su voz suave y elegante y sus formas ágiles, incorporan todas las características deseables de un diplomático o un político exitoso y experimentado.
Del mismo modo, una persona nacida bajo este signo llevará una vida tranquila, disfrutando de paz en un ambiente agradable. Es reservado y artístico y posee buen juicio. Su minuciosidad también le hará un buen estudiante. Él brilla en los campos del derecho, la política y en el gobierno.Pero también es inclinado a estar de mal humor, a veces aparece separado de su medio ambiente o indiferente a la gente.
El conejo es muy afortunado en las transacciones comerciales y monetarias. Astuto en ofertas sorprendentes, siempre puede aparecer con una propuesta adecuada o una alternativa para su beneficio. Su visión para los negocios es fuerte, muestra habilidad para la negociación, lo que garantizar gran velocidad en cualquier carrera.
Aunque el Conejo puede asumir un aire de indiferencia a las opiniones de los demás, en realidad es muy susceptible a la crítica. Su técnica de “desactivar en vez de luchar”, puede ser engañosa y el conejo puede ser diabólicamente astuto, cuando pone su mente en ello. Así, mientras la persona conejo es tierno y complaciente con sus seres queridos, puede ser superficial e incluso cruel en su trato con los extranjeros. Suave y autoindulgente, disfruta de sus comodidades y le gusta poner sus propios deseos en primer lugar. Le molesta terriblemente la persona considerada, modesta y reflexiva, más aún si pretende que los otros sean así. Él cree sinceramente que no cuesta nada a la gente ser amable con los demás y siempre hará un esfuerzo por ser de carácter cívico, incluso con su peor enemigo. Él aborrece las peleas y cualquier tipo de animosidad manifiesta.
A pesar de su carácter engañosamente tranquilo y dócil, una persona de este signo posee una voluntad fuerte y una seguridad en sí mismo casi narcisista. Persigue sus objetivos con precisión metódica, pero siempre de manera discreta. Si hay algo de lo que no va a ser acusado, es de ser una persona manifiestamente indiferente, de piel gruesa. El no hacer olas. La característica especial que hace de la persona conejo un negociador temible es su hermetismo. Siempre es difícil evaluar sus pensamientos correctamente.
El Conejo por lo general tiene modales impecables. Él rara vez usa palabras duras y nunca recurre a malas palabras o vulgaridades para lograr algo. Tiene sus propias técnicas. El conejo puede esconderse debajo de esa capa de decencia para socavar a sus oponentes. Sus credenciales son impecables generalmente. Él puede llevarlo a beber y cenar en los mejores lugares y atender todos sus caprichos cuando está detrás de algo. Entonces, cuando usted ha comido a sus anchas y fuma contento uno de esos cigarros caros, saca el contrato para que usted firme. Antes de que te des cuenta, te ha cortado por las rodillas. Es tan hábil, que ni siquiera sentirás dolor. Todo habrá terminado como con el golpe de una pluma. Mis simpatías están con usted, amigo. Usted es una víctima más de la Liebre incomparable. ¿Entiendes ahora por qué Bugs Bunny siempre se sale con sus zanahorias en todas las tiras cómicas?
El conejo a veces puede parecer un poco lento o deliberadamente lento, pero esto se debe a su sentido innato de la prudencia y la discreción. Uno puede estar seguro de que va a leer la letra pequeña antes de firmar cualquier documento. Debido a su capacidad para valorar a las personas y situaciones, el conejo puede darse el lujo de presumir - por cierto, presumido es.
La recatada señora Conejo es muy considerada y comprensiva con sus amigos: una chica muy agradable al trabajar, ir de tiendas o simplemente contar historias. Ella es deliciosamente cálida e ingeniosa y su compañía es siempre relajante. Ella tiene un montón de energía para las cosas que más le gusta hacer y sin descanso puede recorrer tiendas de antigüedades o planear la boda de un amigo hasta el último detalle. Pero cuando ella siente que ha tenido bastante de usted, puede contar con que ella deje lo que está haciendo y se vaya simulando una cojera. Esa es la parte filosófica del conejo. ¿Sabe usted por qué se puede mantener tan sereno con toda la acción frenética alrededor? El secreto está en saber cuando las baterías necesitan ser recargadas, nadie tiene mejor conocimiento o más tiempo en esto que el conejo.
Mientras todo el mundo se está matando, en una loca carrera para llegar a alguna parte, el Conejo sabe que el mundo todavía estará aquí mañana. Así que, ¿cuál es la prisa? ¿Por qué no te sientas, también? Probablemente le harán una buena taza de té y le ayudará a olvidarse de la loca carrera de ratas de fuera.
En cualquier situación, siempre se puede confiar en el autocontrol del Conejo. El se dará cuenta el número de licencia del coche que huye, recordará el color de los pantalones del conductor o si llevaba zapatos con plataforma. Y mientras usted está en la presentación del informe en la comisaría, tranquilamente recuerda todos los detalles y le ayudará a responder a todas esas preguntas irritantes.
Con todo, es innegable que el conejo realmente sabe cómo vivir. Además está más que dispuesto a dejar vivir. No es un aguafiestas o un disciplinario con un ojo siempre vigilante, el conejo sabe cuando abstenerse de toda crítica. Él nunca le gusta avergonzar a nadie en público. Él es experto en el arte de salvar la cara: la vuestra y la suya, y si hay alguna manera en que puede prescindir de sus sentimientos, la implementará.
No tenga ninguna duda de que toma notas mentales de sus errores o progresos. Pero si las cosas no son graves, las dejará pasar. Por esta característica, es que es muy querido y popular. Una de las ventajas de esta filosofía es que el conejo hace pocos enemigos y por lo tanto rara vez se mete en problemas. Las personas responden al ser generosa con él y dejarlo pasar, también.
Nadie tiene más oídos con usted, que el conejo (con excepción de la oveja). Si bien es un excelente oyente compasivo y dulzón, sólo tendrá el papel de un asesor pasivo. Él es, ante todo, un intelectual, un realista y un pacifista. No hay que esperar que se ponga la camiseta y luche por uno. Eso sería pedir demasiado de él. Seamos realistas, el Conejo nunca optar por caminar penosamente hasta el Monte Calvario con usted, no importa que ustedes dos sean grandes amigos. Él te presto el dinero para el abogado o para la fianza para salir de la cárcel, pero eso es todo. Y si vas a ser demasiada molestia, puedes contar con una salida graciosa, pero rápida, del conejo, de tu vida.
La hermosa y refinada señorita Conejo optará por casarse con un millonario a la antigua en lugar de hacerlo con un apuesto galán, sin un centavo. El primero será capaz de proporcionarle las ventajas y lujos que ella exige como necesidades. Su hombre debe ser lo suficientemente potente como para proteger y apoyar su estilo, y lo suficientemente sensible como para desaparecer cortésmente cuando ella se encuentra en un estado de ánimo sombrío y no desea que la alteren.
Cuando se le presente la oportunidad, el Conejo siempre votará a favor de la buena y fácil vida. Él o ella use ropa suelta, cómoda y cara. Suéteres de Cachemira, blusas de seda pura y corte inglés. Una visón o chinchilla descuidadamente arrojados sobre el hombro en un aire de indiferencia calculada también podría identificar a los elegantes nativos Conejo. Llamativos e impactantes diseños geométricos, ofenden el sentido de la conformidad y el equilibrio del Conejo.
Si bien son amables con sus amigos y compañeros de trabajo, la persona de este signo puede ser un poco distantes de su propia familia o, simplemente, aburridos por la rutina doméstica y deberes. Él o ella odia a las asociaciones muy estrechas, él se sacudirá de una invasión de su privacidad o de amigos parásitos sin pesarlo dos veces. Él puede ser burocrático y tardo sobre cuestiones difíciles. Como él es alguien que odia los compromisos vinculantes o la participación de más, puede ser un experto en escurrir el bulto.
El Sr. Conejo es singularmente afable. Se mueve con gracia, encanto y caballerosidad, a pesar del hecho de que mientras le canta alabanzas, también puede beber todo tu mejor vino. Sí, el Conejo gravita hacia la flor y nata de la sociedad y del ocio caballeresco. Pensándolo bien, la flor y nata de la alta sociedad podría estar compuesto por liebres serenas y cordiales.
En su mejor momento, el conejo es admirado por su suavidad e inteligencia y buscado por sus consejos sensatos. En el peor de los casos, él es demasiado imaginativo, hipersensible o simplemente ácido e indiferente. Evita entrar en contacto con el sufrimiento humano o la miseria, como si se tratara de una enfermedad altamente contagiosa.
El conejo no es nada fácil de atrapar. También puede llegar a ser exigente en su predilección por el secreto o la intimidad. Cuando la persona conejo se siente amenazada, sus sutilezas de crianza o antagonismos ocultos pueden expresarse mediante el uso de tácticas subversivas. Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro y Johannes Vorster de Sudáfrica son conejos. Es también digno de mención el rey Bhumibol de Tailandia, admirado y muy querido por sus súbditos por su vida ejemplar y devoción a la música, el arte y la armonía nacional. También fueron conejos, el Rey Olav V de Noruega, la reina Victoria, Albert Einstein, David Rockefeller y David Frost.
A placid year, very much welcomed and needed after the ferocious year of the Tiger. We should go off to some quiet spot to lick our wounds and get some rest after all the battles of the previous year.
Good taste and refinement will shine on everything and people will acknowledge that persuasion is better than force. A congenial time in which diplomacy, international relations and politics will be given a front seat again. We will act with discretion and make reasonable concessions without too much difficulty.
A time to watch out that we do not become too indulgent. The influence of the Rabbit tends to spoil those who like too much comfort and thus impair their effectiveness and sense of duty.
Law and order will be lax; rules and regulations will not be rigidly enforced. No one seems very inclined to bother with these unpleasant realities. They are busy enjoying themselves, entertaining others or simply taking it easy. The scene is quiet and calm, even deteriorating to the point of somnolence. We will all have a tendency to put off disagreeable tasks as long as possible
Money can be made without too much labor. Our life style will be languid and leisurely as we allow ourselves the luxuries we have always craved for. A temperate year with unhurried pace. For once, it may seem possible for us to be carefree and happy without too many annoyances.
A person born in the year of the Rabbit possesses one of the most fortunate of the twelve animal signs. The Rabbit, or Hare as he is referred to in Chinese mythology, is the emblem of longevity and is said to derive his essence from the Moon.
When a Westerner gazes at the Moon, he may joke that it is a ball of cheese or tell a child the story of the Man in the Moon. When a Chinese looks at the Moon, he sees the Moon Hare standing near a rock under a Cassia tree and holding the Elixir of Immortality in his hands.
During the Chinese mid-Autumn festival when the Moon is supposed to be at its loveliest, Chinese children still carry lighted paper lanterns made in the image of a Rabbit and climb the hills to observe the Moon and admire the Moon Hare.
The Rabbit symbolizes graciousness, good manners, sound counsel kindness and sensitivity to beauty. His soft speech and graceful and nimble ways embody all the desirable traits of a successful diplomat or seasoned politician.
Likewise, a person born under this sign will lead a tranquil life, enjoying peace, quiet and a congenial environment. He is reserved and artistic and possesses good judgment. His thoroughness will also make him a good scholar. He will shine in the fields of law, politics and government.
But he is also inclined to be moody; at such times he appears detached from his environment or indifferent to people.
The Rabbit is extremely lucky in business and monetary transactions. Astute at striking bargains, he can always pop up with a suitable proposal or alternative to benefit himself. His sharp business acumen, coupled with his knack for negotiation, will ensure him a fast rise in any career.
Although the Rabbit may assume an outer air of indifference to the opinions of others, he actually withers under criticism. His "rather switch than fight" technique can be deceiving and he can be diabolically cunning when he puts his mind to it. So while the Rabbit person is tender and obliging to his loved ones, he can be superficial and even ruthless in his dealings with outsiders. Suave and self-indulgent, he enjoys his creature comforts and likes to put his own wishes first. It irks him terribly to be inconvenienced for he is a considerate, modest and thoughtful person and he would like others to be the same. He sincerely believes it costs people nothing to be nice to each other and he will always make an effort to be civil, even to his worst enemy. He abhors brawling and any sort of overt animosity.
For all his quiet and misleadingly docile nature, a Rabbit person possesses a strong will and an almost narcissistic self-assurance. He pursues his objectives with methodical precision but always in an unobtrusive manner. If there is anything he isn't going to be accused of, it is that he is an obvious or thick-skinned person. He won't make waves. The special trait that makes the Rabbit person a formidable negotiator is his inscrutability. It is difficult ever to assess his thoughts correctly.
The Rabbit usually has impeccable manners. He seldom uses harsh words and will never resort to foul language or vulgarisms to bring home a point. There is little need to anyway, as he has his own techniques. The Rabbit could hide under this cloak of decency to undermine his opponents. His credentials are usually flawless or at least in good order. He will wine and dine you in the best places and cater to your every whim when he is after something. Then, when you have eaten your fill and are puffing away contentedly at that expensive cigar, he will pull out the contract for you to sign. Before you know it, he has cut you off at the knees. He was so deft, you didn't even feel any pain. It was all over with the stroke of a pen. My sympathies are with you, friend. You are just another victim of the incomparable Hare. Now do you understand why Bugs Bunny always gets his carrots in all those cartoon strips?
The Rabbit may appear a bit slow or overly deliberate at times, but this is due to his inborn sense of caution and discretion. One can be sure he is going to read the fine print before signing any document. Because of his ability to assess people and situations, the Rabbit can afford to be conceited--which, by the way, he is.
The demure Ms. Rabbit is very considerate and understanding with her friends: a great gal to work with, shop with or just tell stories with. She is delightfully warm and witty and her company is always relaxing. She has a lot of energy for the things she likes to do and can tirelessly track down antique shops or plan a friend's wedding to the last detail. But when she feels she has had enough of all that rigmarole, well, you can expect her to drop whatever she is doing, prop up her dainty feet and go all limp. That is the philosophical part of the Rabbit. Do you know why she can keep so serene with all that frantic action going on? The secret is to know when your batteries need recharging, and no one has better knowledge or timing on this than the Rabbit.
While everyone is killing himself in a mad rush to get somewhere, the Rabbit knows that the world will still be here tomorrow. So, what's the big hurry? Why don't you sit down, too? She will probably make you a nice cup of tea and help you forget all about that crazy rat race outside.
In any situation, you can always rely on the Rabbit to be in control of herself. She will notice the license number of the getaway car or remember that the driver was wearing camel-colored trousers or elevator shoes. And while you are at the police station filing that report, she will calmly recall all the details and help you answer all those irritating questions.
All in all, the Rabbit is one who really knows how to live. What's more, he or she is more than willing to let live. Not a spoilsport or disciplinarian with an ever-watchful eye, the Rabbit knows when to refrain from criticism. He never likes to embarrass anyone in public. He is adept at the art of saving face, both yours and his, and if there is any way he can spare your feelings, he will.
Have no doubt--he makes mental notes of your mistakes or progress. But if things are not serious or beyond redemption, he will goodheartedly let you pass. For this trait, he is well-liked and popular. An advantage of this philosophy is that the Rabbit makes few enemies and thus rarely gets into trouble. People respond by being generous to him and letting him pass, too.
No one has a more sympathetic ear to lend you than the Rabbit (except the Sheep) should you need one. But while he is an excellent soother and compassionate listener, he will only take the role of a passive advisor. He is, above all, an intellectual, a realist and a pacifist. Do not expect him to go out with all colors flying and do battle for you. That would be asking too much of him. Let's face it, the Rabbit will never elect to trudge up Mount Calvary with you, no matter what great buddies you two claim to be. He'll lend you the money for the lawyer or bail you out of jail if he can afford it, but that's about all. And if you are getting to be too much of a nuisance, you can count on his making a quick but graceful exit from your life.
The comely and refined Miss Rabbit will not be adverse to marrying a good old-fashioned millionaire instead of a handsome but penniless swain. The former will be able to provide her with the advantages and luxuries she demands as necessities. Her man must be powerful enough to protect and support her in style, and sensitive enough to politely disappear when she is in a sullen mood and wishes to remain undisturbed.
When given the choice, the Rabbit will vote for the easy and good life every time. He or she will wear loose comfortable clothing of superb cut and fabric. Cashmere sweaters, pure silk blouses and durable linens and tweeds. A mink or chinchilla carelessly thrown over the shoulder in a calculated air of nonchalance could also identify the elegant Rabbit native. Flashy, geometric or shocking designs offend the Rabbit's sense of conformity and balance.
While gracious to friends and coworkers, the Rabbit person may be somewhat distant from his own family or simply bored by domestic routine and duties. He or she hates too close associations; he will shake off an encroachment on his privacy or clinging parasitic friends with no regret. He can be bureaucratic and hedgy over difficult issues. As he is one who hates binding commitments or over-involvement, he can also be an expert at passing the buck.
Mr. Rabbit is singularly debonair. He moves with grace, charm and gentlemanliness, in spite of the fact that while he was singing your praises, he was also drinking all your best wine. Yes, the Rabbit gravitates toward the cream of society and gentlemanly leisure. On second thought, the cream of high society could well be made up of poised and genial Hares.
At his best, the Rabbit is admired for his suaveness and intelligence and sought after for his sensible advice. At his worst, he is too imaginative, oversensitive or just acidly indifferent. He avoids coming into contact with human suffering or misery, as though it were some highly contagious disease.
The Rabbit is not at all easy to trap. He can also become very repressive in his predilection for secrecy or privacy. When the Rabbit person feels threatened, his subtle brooding or concealed antagonism could be expressed by the use of subversive tactics. Joseph Stalin and Fidel Castro and South Africa's Johannes Vorster are Rabbits. It is also worth noting that Thailand's King Bhumibol, admired and well-loved by his subjects for his exemplary life and devotion to music, art and domestic harmony, was born in the year of the Rabbit. So were King Olav V of Norway, Queen Victoria, Albert Einstein, David Rockefeller and David Frost.
For all his positive qualities, a native of this sign will still value himself above all else. When pushed too far, he will discard anything or anyone who dares upset the calm of his existence. His beliefs are known to be flexible and he has the knack of playing both sides for insurance. Security could be an obsession to the weaker types of this specimen; you rarely find a Rabbit in areas of high risk.
This love of ease coupled with his distaste for conflict may give the Rabbit a reputation for being weak, opportunistic and self-indulgent. Unlike the Dragon, Dog, Tiger, or Rooster, who all enjoy a hearty fight now and then, and may even thrive on it, the Rabbit has no relish for combat. He was not born to be a warrior. He is more effective working behind the scenes. Do not be concerned about the Rabbit's well-being. He is agile and sagacious and armed with the good sense to keep out of harm's way. Unlike other signs, who may pursue lofty ideals, the Rabbit's main objective in life is simply self-preservation.
The Rabbit year is said to bring peace or at least a respite from conflict or war. Likewise, its native will do everything in his power to restore harmony or he will leave the scene.
The Rabbit person makes a good entertainer and is a wonderful host. Pleasant and warm company, he has a good word to say of everyone. But don't let that fool you. He knows more than he will say and you can easily recognize him by his finesse. He will be the best of friends so long as you take care not to ask too much of him.
The well-groomed Rabbit is most compatible with those born in the Sheep year. They will share the same good taste and love of material comforts. Equally well suited will be a relationship with the Dog person or the honest, unimposing Roar native. The Rat, Dragon, Monkey, Ox, Snake and Rabbit will make good secondary matches for him. But he will not be able to tolerate the vanity or criticism of the Rooster, is unimpressed by the dramatics of the Tiger and unappreciative of the quick-tempered and mercurial ways of the Horse.
To sum it up, the Hare simply leaps over obstacles in his path and recovers from calamities with remarkable resilience. No matter how he is tossed, he lands on his feet. He may not be close to his family but will make every effort to provide them with the best of everything. His soft, vulnerable-looking exterior is protected by an armor of cautiousness and sagacity. In life, the Rabbit will avoid being drawn into conflict at any cost, unless, of course, it affects him directly, at which time he will take the appropriate measures to protect his interests.
There is no great inner struggle in the Rabbit's heart between the forces of good and evil. He believes in his own ability to survive, relies on his own judgment and is at peace with himself. His is the sign most apt to find happiness and contentment.
A child born in the Rabbit's year will have a sweet disposition. Even-tempered and obedient, he will be sensitive to the moods of his parents and act accordingly. He may or may not be talkative, but he won't be rowdy or offensive. He can sit quietly and concentrate on one toy or game at a time.
Usually he is a light sleeper and may fret a lot when he is sick. He will be easy to discipline and should have little trouble fitting in at school. He learns his lessons well and with ease. But although he has better than average manners, this does not mean he will not be argumentative in his own soft-spoken way. He can grasp both sides of a question quickly and debate his point with intelligence.
At times, it will be difficult to decipher his thoughts or deeds. Smooth at masking his feelings, the Rabbit will only say what he knows will please you and thus maneuver you to his way of thinking without your even noticing it.
He will be able to fend for himself and protect his possessions. Remarkably observant, he can calculate his chances for getting his way. Instead of directly resisting rules, the subtle Rabbit will carefully devise ways around them. In short, this polite little angel is going to bargain for a better deal every time.
He can take reproach with a defiant or philosophical sort of indifference. Shrugging off his setbacks, the Rabbit will patiently start again from square one. Helpful at home, conforming in school and well-tuned to his environment, this child will know his way around people and problems. Rest assured he will be well-liked and accepted in all circles.