

Publicado: 2011-10-21



Gadhafi Dead #99598

By Joe Heller, Green Bay Press-Gazette  -  10/20/2011 12:00:00 AM


Kaddafi dead #99593

By Riber Hansson, Sweden  -  10/20/2011 12:00:00 AM


Gaddafi Dead By Paul Zanetti





Lethal Flowers

By Petar Pismestrovic

Kleine Zeitung, Austria



Gadhafi Dead Color #99601

By Daryl Cagle, MSNBC.com  -  10/20/2011 12:00:00 AM

Death of the desert rat #99631

By Peter Lewis, Australia, Politicalcartoons.com  -  10/21/2011





Gaddafi dead #99627

By Arend van Dam,  -  10/21/2011 12:00:00 AM





Gadhafi and Co #99624

By Martin Sutovec, Slovakia  -  10/20/2011 12:00:00 AM


Colonel Ghadafi dead #99623

By Peter Broelman, Australia  -  10/20/2011 12:00:00 AM






Gadhafi and Co

By Martin Sutovec


Muammar Gaddafi is dead, NTC says - live coverage

Libyan PM confirms death of former dictator

Pictures and video show body in the streets

Final pro-Gaddafi stronghold Sirte falls to NTC

• Nato commanders recommend ending mission

• Muammar Gaddafi: a life in pictures

This blog will now continue here http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/middle-east-live/2011/oct/20/syria-libya-middle-east-unrest-live

July 1973: Gaddafi waves to demonstrators gathered in Benghazi to show support for his return to office after he resigned as leader of the Revolutionary Command Council. The council refused to accept his resignation

August 1973: Gaddafi prays in the Libyan desert near Sirte

November 1973: Gaddafi is jostled by press and TV reporters outside the Élysée palace in Paris after talks with President Georges Pompidou

1977: Gaddafi with Cuban leader Fidel Castro

November 1978: Gaddafi arrives at the 1978 Arab summit in Baghdad for Arab countries opposed to Egyptian president Anwar Sadat's decision to sign the Camp David agreement with Israel. The summit resulted in Egypt's suspension from the Arab League

August 1981: Gaddafi attends a graduation at the women's military academy in Tripoli. The academy opened in 1979 during Gaddafi's push to include women in Libya's armed forces

1986: Posters of Gaddafi and Uncle Sam on a wall in Libya. The US accused Libya of masterminding a bombing in west Berlin in 1985. Tensions culminated in a US air and sea bombing raid on Libya in March 1986

September 1987: Gaddafi appears at a parade in Tripoli to commemorate the 18th anniversary of the Libyan revolution

September 1987: Gaddafi speaking in Tripoli at a parade to commemorate the 18th anniversary of the Libyan revolution

December 1988: The nose section of Pan Am flight 103 lies in a field outside the village of Lockerbie in Scotland

September 1990: Gaddafi attends a summit in Djanet, Algeria

1992: Gaddafi visits Palestine Liberation Organisation leader Yasser Arafat in hospital after Arafat was injured in an air crash

February 2001: Gaddafi with Lamen Khalifa Fhimah, who was tried at a special Scottish court in the Netherlands with Abdelbaset al-Megrahi on murder charges relating to the 1988 bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie. Al-Megrahi was sentenced to life in jail, while Fhimah was acquitted

March 2004: Gaddafi with Tony Blair. The prime minister's visit to Libya followed Gaddafi's agreement to dismantle Libya's arms programme, accept responsibility for the 1988 Lockerbie bombing and for the 1984 murder in London of WPC Yvonne Fletcher

June 2009: Gaddafi with Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi at Ciampino airport in Rome

June 2009: Gaddafi waves to photographers as he signs autographs after giving a speech in Rome to women from the business, political and cultural sectors

July 2009: Gaddafi gives a thumbs up before a roundtable session at the G8 summit in L'Aquila, Italy

September 2009: Gaddafi arrives for a parade in Tripoli's Green Square to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the military coup that brought him to power

February 2011: Gaddafi attends a ceremony in Tripoli to mark the birth of the prophet Muhammad

22 February 2011: Gaddafi addresses the Libyan nation on state television, vowing to fight protesters and die a martyr

10 April 2011: Gaddafi cheers his supporters after a meeting with a delegation of five African leaders at his Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli

12 June 2011: A TV still of Muammar Gaddafi during a meeting with Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, president of the World Chess Federation, in Tripoli

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Biólogo desde hace más de treinta años, desde la época en que aún los biólogos no eran empleados de los abogados ambientalistas. Actualmente preocupado ...alarmado en realidad, por el LESIVO TRATADO DE (DES)INTEGRACIÓN ENERGÉTICA CON BRASIL ... que a casi ning

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